The old library of Keio university (1912)

 The buildings of Keio Mita campus are respectively unique, but the word 'brilliant' is most applicable to the old library. It is completed in April 1912. Designed by Sone Tatsuzo (1853-1937) and Nakajo Seiichiro (1868-1936). Damaged by the Kanto earthquake in 1923 and air raids in 1945. Each time the building was repaired.Designated as an important cultual property in March 1969. When the new library erected in 1982, the initial design of old library was restored.  

Israel has no justification for killing innocent people

Why did Israeli shoot shirtless hostages carrying  a white flag, DW News

Hostages were waving white flag when killed by Israeli troops,

WHAS11, 2023/12/17

Dozens Protest in Tel Aviv, after IDF solidiers accidentally kill 3 hostages,

Forbes 2023/12/16


Israeli forces mistakenly kill 3 hostages, CBS 2023/12/16

Flooding tunnels in Gaza will be 'disastrous', Al Jazeera English, 2023/12/13

UN general assembly votes over whelmingly in favour of humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, Guardian, 2023/12/13

hostage killed during attemped rescue  MCNBC   2023/12/10

Palestine: Preventing  a Genocide in Gaza and a new 'Nakba', UN, 2023/11/21   

cf. Quick Facts: The palestinian Nakba, IMEU   2023/04/05

Calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Enlarged Knowledge com 2023/11/12

Isralel has no justification for killing innocent people in Gaza, SBS 2023/11/12

M Muhannad Ayyash, A genocide is under way in Palestine, AlJazeera, 2023/11/02

Israel-Paletine war: Israel plans to flood underground tunnels where hostages  may be held, WION,  2023/10/25

 Air strike on Gaza hospital, Enlarged Knowledge com 2023/10/17

Calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

UN officials strongly condemn deadly attacks in Israel, UN news 2023/10/07 

UN expert warns of new instance of mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, calls for immediate ceasefire, UN Human Rights 2023/10/14

Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council on the Middle East, UN 2023/10/24 

Israel demands UN Chief Antonio Guterres' immediate resignation, The Economic Times 2023/10/23

UN leader responds to Israel demanding resignation, claims 'misrepresentations', Fox News 2023/10/25

Civilian casualties in Israel-Hamas war are 'alarming' warns UN Secretary-General Gutterres, PBS NewsHour 2023/10/25

Gaza ground war: Israeli troops surrounding Gaza City, BBC News, 2023/11/03 

Over 100, 000 march on Washington DC for a free Plestine, demanding ceasefire, The Real News Network 2023/11/05

American nurse who got out of Gaza describes desperation she saw, CNN 2023/11/07

Spain's lone Belarra! Israel must end 'genocide' of Palestinians in Gaza, Al Jazeera English  2023/11/09

Israeli solidiers close in on Gaza City, panic at hospitals where thousands had taken shelter, Channel 4 News 2023/11/11

French President Macron calls on Israel to stop killing Gaza's women and babies, BBC News 2023/11/11

Hundreds of thousands march in support of Gaza ceasefire on Armistice Day, Guardian News 2023/11/12

Nishinoshima: expansion and eruption 西之島の拡大と噴火 

読売新聞オンライン 2021/09/02   08/18撮影

The spectacular birth and rise of a new volcanic island of Japan:updated 
Volcanic Timelapses 2021/11/03

日テレ 2022/08/02 

ANNnews 2023/01/26   01/25撮影

r1rawd  2023/09/28     9/20撮影

日テレ 2023/10/05     10/04撮影

r1rawd 2023/10/07       10/04撮影

Iwo Jima: expansion and new eruption 硫黄島の拡大と新島

異常な地殻変動続く硫黄島 1年に1m隆起 朝日新聞デジタル 2022/03/26

硫黄島の成長速度  NEX工業 2023/09/02

噴石伴う噴火 硫黄島沖 毎日新聞 2023/10/30

2023/11/03  硫黄島沖合    朝日新聞デジタル 2023/11/04

Iwo Jima Eruption Update: New Island Foms, Expected Eruption Length, GeographyHub 2023/11/05

New island emerges off Japan after volcanic eruption, Guardian News 2023/11/09

Weather News 2023/11/11
日テレニュース 2023/11/11


Classics of Economics REFERENCE: 1848-2023

The Young Karl Marx (2018) trailer Classics of Economics  REFERENCE: 1848-2023 John Locke 1634-1704     John Locke (2) David Hume 1711-1776 ...
