Israel has no justification for killing innocent people

Why did Israeli shoot shirtless hostages carrying  a white flag, DW News

Hostages were waving white flag when killed by Israeli troops,

WHAS11, 2023/12/17

Dozens Protest in Tel Aviv, after IDF solidiers accidentally kill 3 hostages,

Forbes 2023/12/16


Israeli forces mistakenly kill 3 hostages, CBS 2023/12/16

Flooding tunnels in Gaza will be 'disastrous', Al Jazeera English, 2023/12/13

UN general assembly votes over whelmingly in favour of humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, Guardian, 2023/12/13

hostage killed during attemped rescue  MCNBC   2023/12/10

Palestine: Preventing  a Genocide in Gaza and a new 'Nakba', UN, 2023/11/21   

cf. Quick Facts: The palestinian Nakba, IMEU   2023/04/05

Calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Enlarged Knowledge com 2023/11/12

Isralel has no justification for killing innocent people in Gaza, SBS 2023/11/12

M Muhannad Ayyash, A genocide is under way in Palestine, AlJazeera, 2023/11/02

Israel-Paletine war: Israel plans to flood underground tunnels where hostages  may be held, WION,  2023/10/25

 Air strike on Gaza hospital, Enlarged Knowledge com 2023/10/17

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The Young Karl Marx (2018) trailer Classics of Economics  REFERENCE: 1848-2023 John Locke 1634-1704     John Locke (2) David Hume 1711-1776 ...
