ラベル Gaza の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル Gaza の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示

Severance of Diplomatic Ties with Israel, the Genocide Country

Severance of Diplomatic Ties with Israel

ICJ: Self-Defence is not a license for unlimited violence: South Africa, DawnsEnglish 2024/05/17    slam:criticize severely

Colombia to break diplomatic ties with Israel, CNN World  2024/05/01

Accusation of Genocide against Israel at ICJ, EK 2024/01/24

Violating International Law in Gaza, Note 2023/12/29

Isolation of Jewish Students in Campus, EK 2023/12/27

Israel has no justification for killing innocent people, EK 2023/12/16

Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, EK 2023/11/12

South Africa to pull diplomats from Israel to protest war, The Times of Israel 2023/11/06

These 8 countries have pulled ambassadors from Israel amid Hamas war, The Hill, 2023/11/06
    South Africa: disppointed by the refusal of the Israeli Government to respect intrenational law and the UN resolutions
    Jordan: condemns war and killing innocent people in Gaza 
    Turkey: accused the Isreli Government intentionally violating international law and killing innocent people in Gaza
    Chile: condemns Israel is violating international law
    Columbia: condemns the killing of civilians and emphasizes the need for a ceasefire
    Chad: condemns the loss of human lives of innocent civilians and calls for a ceasefire
    Honduras: condemns the genocide and serious violationsof international law
    Bahrain: (with no comment)
    Bolivia: cutting diplomatic ties

Bolivia severs diplomatic ties with Israel over Gaza war, BBC 2023/11/01

Air Strike on Gaza Hospital, EK 2023/10/18

92 Japanese Companies Operating in Israel, Jiji 2023/10/11

Israel-Gaza conflict: Japanese companies hunker down, seek info, AsiaNikkei 2023/10/09
  hunker down 身を潜めて位置を保つ
 三菱商事 テルアビブに現地事務所あり 三井物産:現地への出張取り止め
 丸紅:現地から退避済み 住友商事、トヨタ通商:スタッフの無事を確認
 Canon 現地にソフトウェア開発子会社あり 

Israel has no justification for killing innocent people

Why did Israeli shoot shirtless hostages carrying  a white flag, DW News

Hostages were waving white flag when killed by Israeli troops,

WHAS11, 2023/12/17

Dozens Protest in Tel Aviv, after IDF solidiers accidentally kill 3 hostages,

Forbes 2023/12/16


Israeli forces mistakenly kill 3 hostages, CBS 2023/12/16

Flooding tunnels in Gaza will be 'disastrous', Al Jazeera English, 2023/12/13

UN general assembly votes over whelmingly in favour of humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, Guardian, 2023/12/13

hostage killed during attemped rescue  MCNBC   2023/12/10

Palestine: Preventing  a Genocide in Gaza and a new 'Nakba', UN, 2023/11/21   

cf. Quick Facts: The palestinian Nakba, IMEU   2023/04/05

Calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Enlarged Knowledge com 2023/11/12

Isralel has no justification for killing innocent people in Gaza, SBS 2023/11/12

M Muhannad Ayyash, A genocide is under way in Palestine, AlJazeera, 2023/11/02

Israel-Paletine war: Israel plans to flood underground tunnels where hostages  may be held, WION,  2023/10/25

 Air strike on Gaza hospital, Enlarged Knowledge com 2023/10/17

Calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

UN officials strongly condemn deadly attacks in Israel, UN news 2023/10/07 

UN expert warns of new instance of mass ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, calls for immediate ceasefire, UN Human Rights 2023/10/14

Secretary-General's remarks to the Security Council on the Middle East, UN 2023/10/24 

Israel demands UN Chief Antonio Guterres' immediate resignation, The Economic Times 2023/10/23

UN leader responds to Israel demanding resignation, claims 'misrepresentations', Fox News 2023/10/25

Civilian casualties in Israel-Hamas war are 'alarming' warns UN Secretary-General Gutterres, PBS NewsHour 2023/10/25

Gaza ground war: Israeli troops surrounding Gaza City, BBC News, 2023/11/03 

Over 100, 000 march on Washington DC for a free Plestine, demanding ceasefire, The Real News Network 2023/11/05

American nurse who got out of Gaza describes desperation she saw, CNN 2023/11/07

Spain's lone Belarra! Israel must end 'genocide' of Palestinians in Gaza, Al Jazeera English  2023/11/09

Israeli solidiers close in on Gaza City, panic at hospitals where thousands had taken shelter, Channel 4 News 2023/11/11

French President Macron calls on Israel to stop killing Gaza's women and babies, BBC News 2023/11/11

Hundreds of thousands march in support of Gaza ceasefire on Armistice Day, Guardian News 2023/11/12

Air Strike on Gaza hospital, Oct.17, 2023

Air Strike on Gaza hospital, Oct.17, 2023

Footage Shows Moment of Gaza Hospital Blast, Officials Say 500 killed, WSJ News,
Oct.18, 2023

Gaza Hospital Blown up in Israeli Bombardment or by Islamic Jihad Attack? Watch
IDF vs Hamas Faceoff, Hindustan Times, Oct.18, 2023

Annesha Baura, Israel and Hamas point figures following tragic incident with 500 casualties at Gaza hospital: 10 key details, PTC News, Oct.18, 2023

Reactions to strike on Gaza hospital killing Hundreds, Reuters, Oct.18, 2023

Breaking: Israel blames Istamic Jihad for deadly hospital attack, Sky News, Oct.18, 2023 (Sky Newsはオーストラリア発  オーストラリア時間)

Breaking: Israel-Hamas war at least 500 people killed in hospital bombing in Gaza,
Sky News, Oct.18, 2018

Israel: Hundreds killed in air strike on Gaza hospital, Palestinian officilals say,
BBC News, Oct.18,2018 (BBCは英国の公共放送)

Statement of the Global Network on the Question of Paletina(GNQP),
Stop Genocide in Gaza, 17/10/2023 (Jordan)

Paper city: memories of Tokyo air raids, 1945


Classics of Economics REFERENCE: 1848-2023

The Young Karl Marx (2018) trailer Classics of Economics  REFERENCE: 1848-2023 John Locke 1634-1704     John Locke (2) David Hume 1711-1776 ...
