Is China's high-tech overproduction killing jobs in the West? CNA Insider 2024/06/07
Aaron Watson, Why Chinese economy is about to collapse 2024/06/03
IMF 中国の経済成長率見通し5.0%に引き上げ NHK 2024/05/29
G7声明对中国产能过剩表示担忧 NHK World 2024/05/26
一年两万块的中国大学都是谁再读 中国高校是怎么样走向堕落的 Anthony 看世界 2024/05/24
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China's New World Order How dependent is the West? DW Documentary 2024/05/16
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中国到底没有“产能过剩”? 为何事关欧美 BBC 2024/04/23
产能过剩:中国的生产 全球的麻烦? FT 2024/04/16
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Wendover Production, Why China's Economy is Finally Slowing Down 2024/03/22
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中国経済低迷と言論統制 柯隆 BS11 2024/02/28
The real reason China's economy in Crisis, Hamish Hodder 2024/01/29
China's Fundamental Economic Problem, Poly Matter 2023/11/07
China's Great Slowdown, Bloomberg Originals 2023/07/31