Why Chinese economy is about to collapse

Is China's high-tech overproduction killing jobs in the West? CNA Insider 2024/06/07


Aaron Watson, Why Chinese economy is about to collapse    2024/06/03

 IMF 中国の経済成長率見通し5.0%に引き上げ NHK 2024/05/29

G7声明对中国产能过剩表示担忧  NHK World 2024/05/26

一年两万块的中国大学都是谁再读    中国高校是怎么样走向堕落的   Anthony 看世界 2024/05/24

中国 4月の経済統計 不動産投資落ち込み続く NHK 2024/05/17

China's New World Order  How dependent is the West? DW Documentary 2024/05/16

“与邻为壑”中国产能过剩的原因与解方在哪里   自由亚洲电台 rfa  2024/05/02

中国到底没有“产能过剩”? 为何事关欧美 BBC 2024/04/23

产能过剩:中国的生产   全球的麻烦?   FT 2024/04/16

強権統治加速  柯隆    阿古智子  BS11    2024/04/04

柯隆 岐路に立つ中国経済の行方 東京財団政策研究所 2024/04/01

どこまで落ち込む中国経済 柯隆  TBS News Dig 2024/03/30

Wendover Production, Why China's Economy is Finally Slowing Down 2024/03/22

中国で何が起きているのか 柯隆     jnpc     2024/03/18

中国経済低迷と言論統制  柯隆       BS11  2024/02/28

The real reason China's economy in Crisis, Hamish Hodder  2024/01/29

China's Fundamental Economic Problem, Poly Matter 2023/11/07


China's Great Slowdown, Bloomberg Originals 2023/07/31

What China's falling population means for its future, Bloomberg Originals 2023/04/14

Xi stresses safe guarding national secuirty, social stability  CCTV 2022/10/16

Xi stresses improving people's well being, CCTV 2022/10/16

Xi stresses strong public health system to safeguard people's health, CCTV 2020/06/03 

Severance of Diplomatic Ties with Israel, the Genocide Country

Severance of Diplomatic Ties with Israel

ICJ: Self-Defence is not a license for unlimited violence: South Africa, DawnsEnglish 2024/05/17    slam:criticize severely

Colombia to break diplomatic ties with Israel, CNN World  2024/05/01

Accusation of Genocide against Israel at ICJ, EK 2024/01/24

Violating International Law in Gaza, Note 2023/12/29

Isolation of Jewish Students in Campus, EK 2023/12/27

Israel has no justification for killing innocent people, EK 2023/12/16

Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, EK 2023/11/12

South Africa to pull diplomats from Israel to protest war, The Times of Israel 2023/11/06

These 8 countries have pulled ambassadors from Israel amid Hamas war, The Hill, 2023/11/06
    South Africa: disppointed by the refusal of the Israeli Government to respect intrenational law and the UN resolutions
    Jordan: condemns war and killing innocent people in Gaza 
    Turkey: accused the Isreli Government intentionally violating international law and killing innocent people in Gaza
    Chile: condemns Israel is violating international law
    Columbia: condemns the killing of civilians and emphasizes the need for a ceasefire
    Chad: condemns the loss of human lives of innocent civilians and calls for a ceasefire
    Honduras: condemns the genocide and serious violationsof international law
    Bahrain: (with no comment)
    Bolivia: cutting diplomatic ties

Bolivia severs diplomatic ties with Israel over Gaza war, BBC 2023/11/01

Air Strike on Gaza Hospital, EK 2023/10/18

92 Japanese Companies Operating in Israel, Jiji 2023/10/11

Israel-Gaza conflict: Japanese companies hunker down, seek info, AsiaNikkei 2023/10/09
  hunker down 身を潜めて位置を保つ
 三菱商事 テルアビブに現地事務所あり 三井物産:現地への出張取り止め
 丸紅:現地から退避済み 住友商事、トヨタ通商:スタッフの無事を確認
 Canon 現地にソフトウェア開発子会社あり 


Profile of Masaki Ina

稲正樹(いな まさき)  稲正樹 wikipedia 1949年生まれ 1973年北海道大学法学部卒 1977年北海道大学大学院法学研究科中退 1994年に北海道大学にて博士号授与。法学博士。 インド憲法の研究:アジア比較憲法論序説 北海道大学博士(法学)乙第4443号 1994...
